This article was written not for professionals. You all know this for a long time, and maybe even in a larger volume. It is for those who are yet not familiar with this breed or for those who are just planning to introduce this sunny…
Article: Pugs
PUG breed standard
PUG FCI-Standard N°253 / 16.02.2011 / EN ORIGIN: China PATRONAGE: Great Britain. DATE OF PUBLICATION OF THE OFFICIAL VALID STANDARD: 13.10.2010. UTILIZATION: Companion Dog. FCI-CLASSIFICATION: Group 9 Companion and Toy Dogs Section 11 Small Molossian type dogs. Without working trial. BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY: A certain…
"Bad advice" or A brief handbook to educate owners
Let me introduce myself, I’m a pug. And my name is …, however, it’s better to stay incognito, otherwise the hostess will read it. I live in a family not alone, there are several of us. After all, as you know, pugs tend to accumulate…